Monday, October 27, 2014

Just be honest. That's all it takes.

And it starts with being honest with yourself.

So again, on the drive in to work this morning, i'm left pondering HOW in the hell there can be ANY segment of the adult population of this planet, aside from those with a clearly diagnosed cognitive disorder,
who participate in activities which seem central to their very existence, and those activities rely COMPLETELY upon conversing with invisible beings, believing stories written by relatively ignorant goat-herders in the iron age and prior, and simply "playing pretend" in SO many aspects of their daily lives.

You're an adult.  You have responsibilities that children aren't burdened with.  Act like an adult.  Stop pretending like magic is real and invisible people exist.  This is not some nuanced difference between two camps of people with regard to the best way to execute long division.  This is far more significant.   On one side, you have groups of people who take VERY seriously, the task of talking to themselves with the intent that some invisible person or persons are actually engaging with them in that conversation.
And a good many of those people are actually CONSULTING with these apparitions, in the process of making decisions which WILL have an impact on YOUR life!!!   That's correct.  People who are in various positions of power and influence over you to varying degrees, are making those decisions based on consultations with invisible beings.   They call it "praying", but it's no different than the schizophrenic in the group home who misses a dose and begins conversing with the voice in his or her head.  It is NO different.

And to complicate things further, these individuals are reproducing, and inculcating their spawn with the same childish superstitions that they are dictated by.   The last straw is actually the fact that they are indoctrinating spawn OTHER than their OWN with this same happy horseshit.

I cannot view it, the entire dynamic, as anything more than a vestigial organ, probably hanging somewhere in the deepest portion of our reptilian brain, that keeps us capable of such nonsense so far into our adult lives.   The only curative agent for this type of defect is very simple honesty.
It's JUST that simple.   Just for one moment, stop deluding yourself and realize what you're doing.   My own awakening was never influenced, in ANY way, shape, or form, by ANYONE else.  

Not one single person ever did or said ANYTHING to get me to think the way i do now.   Ironically, it took hundreds of people talking to me pretty damn constantly about all the "godly" stuff for many years to keep me believing in the horseshit for as long as i did.  The terms upon which i base reality today are based on the terms OF reality.   Wishful thinking is fun, and sedating, and coddling, and all that happy shit, but it's not reality.  You never got an "answer" when you closed your eyes and "prayed".  If you did, it was either:

a.  a hallucination;
b.  The result of a series of circumstances which led to the result you saw, or
c.  pure coincidence

It's time, PAST TIME, for adults to start acting like adults.   Make your adult decisions in a manner consistent with the responsibilities before you and stop pretending as though there is some "secret agent" who plays a role in the outcomes.   There is no such thing.   Grow up.  Ok?

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