Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's Time..............

"Tempus est iam"


No idea is above challenge, immune from criticism, or buffered from the burden of proof.   No individual, in any arena, is entitled to espouse, embrace, or propagate ideas and have them rendered safe from challenge, based upon facts and consistent information, ESPECIALLY when those very ideas support or represent a vile ideology which condemns and oppresses other people who simply cite points which refute those ideas.

Understanding fully the innate nature of human beings to embrace the emotional components of "life" over the rational harshness of it, which may predominate any given moment, there still comes a time when we are better served by conceding the fact that what we once believed to be "true" was in fact........notThat time is now.

“There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.”

--Daniel C. Dennett
Over the last 100 years, humanity has come to understand more about the cosmos, the machinations of "life", the very definition OF life, than has been assumed to be known over the past 500 years.   In the NEXT fifty years, we are poised to make strides in all areas of knowledge which will make that which we know to be true today, pale in comparison.   Despite these accomplishments, despite these advances in all areas which serve to better ourselves as a species, as well as the overall condition of all systems and species on our small planet, there are still far too many amongst us, (who reap the benefits of
these advances in knowledge) who cling to fundamental ideologies which can only be described as "childish", "immature", and, in almost every case,are, in some form, vile.
You cannot expect to espouse beliefs which take the form of believing that whispering to yourself whilst gripping magical beads on a necklace, actually provides you with a psychic connection to dead people and provides you with tangible guidance from those dead people, and not expect to be ridiculed exhaustively. 
You cannot cling to the beliefs which dictate that a story about a priest who had his head severed in an execution, stood up and walked for miles, carrying his own severed head and "preaching" through that severed head, as actually "true" and not expect to be mocked incessantly.   
You cannot expect to express a belief that there is some benevolent, all powerful deity who lives somewhere in the sky, who has a "plan" for humanity, but sits by and watches children suffer and die through no fault of their own every moment, but is tuned in to your pleas and whispers regarding your queries regarding "what you should do with your life", and not be subject to raucous ridicule.   
You cannot pretend that there is some "reward" or "punishment" after a person dies, based in any manner upon their allegiance to the ideas and deities that you espouse to be true, and expect to be taken seriously in any manner.

Yet the irony in even the acceptance of the mockery you receive is palpable.  For your own dictates have "foretold" that you would be mocked for your beliefs and you are to hold that as evidence that your beliefs are sound and true.   You fail to see the irony in this and also fail to see the crippling nature of the ideas that you've chosen to accept as "real" and "true".   

The institutions which you hold membership to, which dictate and espouse these concepts, are corrupt, vile, and outright evil in many cases.  That you maintain membership within these institutions in order to maintain
your feeling of "belonging" has put you in the position of vicariously, or even directly, endorsing the abhorrent nature of these institutions.  From their histories, through their current daily practices, which are cloaked in a layer of pseudo-benevolence and some "good deeds", their greatest crime may yet be their indoctrination and pollution of your mind by convincing you that "it's all true".

It's not.   They've lied to you.  Consistently.   Their livelihoods have depended upon it, and you were easy-pickings for them.  For WHO would NOT want to believe that there was a way to "live forever" and do so in utter bliss?   WHO would NOT want to believe that their loved ones, who may have suffered horribly in life and languished in a miserable death, are now in a "better place" where they remain connected to you via some divine psychic connection?   The concepts themselves appeal to the very basic nature of the simplest parts of our brain, which are designed to keep us fighting for life.   It was SO easy to convince you that there was eternal life because your brain is wired to crave that.   You've absorbed the pablum, the opiate, and you're so addicted to it at this point, that the very thought of refuting it and moving beyond it, carries with it a level of fear and anxiety that keep you shackled to your fantasies.

There are those amongst me who pity you.   I do not.   I cannot.   At this point, given the information that is at your fingertips, which nullifies and refutes so much of what you hold to be "true" in this regard, I cannot pity you.  I can, and must, accept that your adherence to these principles, which, at the low end are simply childish and ridiculous, and, at the high end, require that you acknowledge that innocent people are doomed to suffer at the hands of your imaginary deity, are completely willful and voluntary on your part.   That you would prefer to stay doped up on your cerebral opiate as opposed to accepting the fact that you are human, that dead is dead, and that there is no reward or punishment awaiting you, or anyone else, after your body ceases to function, is utterly reprehensible.  That such a way of conducting your life is willful, means that i can only loathe your choices in this matter, and loathe them to a degree that is hard to measure.  

It's time to put aside the folly of your comfortable beliefs which have no basis in fact.   The world is here, your life is happening now.  It's not a dress rehearsal for some cosmic Broadway show that goes on in perpetuity.   Your attention is needed here and now.   It's time.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Vile Nature of Your "Faith".

During a recent episode of righteously relieving myself in a public restroom, I was lucky enough to overhear two elderly gentlemen exchanging pleasantries while they awaited their turn at the urinal.

Old Man One:   "Well, Good afternoon!!"

Old Man Two:   "Hi"

Old Man One:  "Beautiful weather we're having, isn't it?!"

Old Man Two:   "Yep"

Old Man One:  "We're BLESSED!!!!!!"

Old Man Two:  "Harumph"

(For the record, I am NOT "Old Man Two")

This sort of declaration, "We're BLESSED!!!", is not uncommon.  In fact, it's so commonplace, that most of us just overlook it in the same way we ignore a "bless you" when someone sneezes.  It's cemented in our lexicon like a goddamn malignant tumor.  

Take a moment, now and then, to just pause and consider the motive, intent, and structure of these sorts of statements.   The utter arrogance it must take to muster up the concept that, in this case, there is a cosmic deity, capable in the estimation of the deluded "believer", of both creating AND destroying entire universes, capable of creating matter from nothingness, who has seen his way clear to granting special favor, for NO apparent reason, in the form of high barometric pressure, to a specific zip code on a map.   The declaration that "WE'RE blessed" must include all those who exist under that bubble of high barometric pressure.   No cause and effect.  This favor of the deity was not "earned" by any accumulation of benevolent deeds.  It was just "tossed" out there like a random playing card by the big woowoo in the sky, in the form of a bubble of high pressure.   Those who happen to be under that bubble at that time, are "favorites" of the deity, while those who are living with inclement weather, are clearly fucked, in the eyes of this same deity, again, for no reason whatsoever.   The arrogance of saying "THE GIANT DEITY IN THE SKY LOVES ME BEST AND HERE'S THE EVIDENCE!!!" takes such an enormous level of delusion, on every level, as well as a sense of narcissism, that it's almost too grandiose to measure.

This sort of "Us vs. Them" mentality rears it's ugly head countless times per day among every single encampment of the cultists.   Whether it's a natural disaster that lays waste to some area, wherein some individual or group of individuals survives, they are declared to have been "spared by GOD", for some "mysterious" reason.    I have to wonder if a halfway house filled to the brim with the worst sort of paroled sex offenders was struck by a series of F5 tornadoes, and, by the GRACE OF GOD, one or two of them were to survive, seemingly miraculously, if the devout zombie lovers would see their way fit to declare "THEY WERE BLESSED!!!!!".   Surely the same "rules" must apply to them as well as you fine "churchgoing" folk.   The deity saved them, most certainly.  AMEN!!!!


Hmmmm.  Funny how that works then.

So maybe, the next time some deluded grocery bagger at your local Publix says to you, as he bags your D size batteries for your double headed dildo, "Have a blessed day", you could respond to him, with "Thanks Skippy!  I'm gonna need that blessing while I'm digging up a fresh corpse to fuck in the ass"., and see how quickly he scrambles to retract that "wish" for your "blessing".

And maybe, one day yet, you'll take a moment to reconsider the insipid shit that flows so freely from your pie hole as you declare the magical nature of the lens through which you view this world, and see how purely childish and willfully ignorant your views are.  In that process of enlightenment, you might also realize how utterly fucking stupid you sound when you invoke your magical bullshit in your routine daily encounters.

Grow the fuck up, eh?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The "New Normal" is here.

There's plenty of the inevitable talk about the mitigating circumstances and contributing factors that outside (western) forces place on groups of people that drive them into the arms of radical groups and compel them to commit horrific acts against innocents around the world, ostensibly in the name of their religion and "plight".   Some of it is an altruistic attempt to "connect the dots" to find a real solution to stop the virus that is radical islam, in this case.     Too much of it, however, is an exercise in blame-shifting engaged in by those who are not comfortable with the task of holding the immediate players accountable for their actions.

Consider this:   Let's say we take every reasonable account of the nefarious dynamics that every western nation ever inflicted upon middle eastern countries over the past 150 years, and lets say we took action in an attempt to "reverse" those dynamics with the intent that it will "switch off" the radicalization movements around the globe.

Lets start with military forces, as this is the go-to argument for ever islamic fundamentalist in most cases, "NO INFIDELS ON SACRED SOIL", or some such bullshit.    Fine.   As of today, ALL foreign forces, bases, embassies, corporations, NGO's, etc are GONE from all areas that we identify as hotbeds of radicalization.

Do you really think anything changes? 

If you do, you're either an idiot or lying to yourselves.


Ok.  So we are going to need to infuse these regions with "jobs".  How do you do that?   Do you provide grants to the kebab vendors on the street corners of Kabul?   Is that going to thrust the lower echelons OUT of poverty?   No?   Ok then, let's get some corporations in there which can create industries which will employ millions and provide the infrastructure and demand for education to move people in that direction.  

Shit.  Wait.  That means you have to bring back in some of that which you expelled in the name of "fixing" this issue.

Fuck it.  We'll just flood the areas with cash.  Pure cash.  That should fix it.  Cash fixes everything, right?  Then no one will be poor and no one will be gullible enough to be drawn into the radical islamic groups.    Right?   That will work, won't it?

Face it.  If we did EVERYTHING that ANYONE can conjure as an altruistic gesture to UNDO the dynamics which support and inspire this today, NOTHING would change.   The people in control of the radical groups will still do everything possible to incite violence and perpetuate poverty so that they have a fresh crop of bodies to strap bombs to, every single day.  Why?  Because they have power, they seek power, and they will protect their power base.

Therefore, what is left for us to do?   To attempt to appease these entities?   To go through the motions of treating them as a legitimate governmental entity?   To invite them to the table?

If you think that, you're part of the problem.   Nothing suggests that you can educate these individuals, at any level in their spectrum, as to the error of their ways.  Nothing suggests that you can implement or undo anything in the name of fiscal and corporate infrastructure which will pave a "way out" for those drawn into this.   Nothing suggests that a simple removal of all traces of western presence will create a change in motivation and mindset.

Though these groups are disparate (ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc), their behaviors and intentions overlap enough to create a shared interest.  That shared interest is death.   They are as willing to kill their own as they are to kill you and your family.

As difficult as it is to digest, i don't think there is anything to do other than to facilitate one side of that equation for them.  This isn't something to be negotiated with, or educated out of their caves with books and pencils.   It's existence will likely be perpetual from this day forward.  Exterminating it will be nearly impossible.   Containing it and contending with it for a very, very long time is likely all that can be done.

Welcome to the "new normal"

Friday, October 30, 2015

You don't "get it".


Now, before you go apeshit on me with your "BUT YOU POST ANTI GOD STUFF ALL THE TIME!!!! HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!", kindly get your ignorant fucking head out of your ass and pay attention.  

It's those of you who promote your doctrines based on the supposed existence of your deities, largely in the form of social and political policy, that i rail against.   I have never treated your "god" delusion as though it is something that "really exists".  In fact, i remind level-headed people to steer clear of that trap often enough.  

So, just as a gently reminder, my contention is not with your imaginary "god" characters, it's with the human beings who attempt to use such to implement their fantasies into public realities that we are all forced to deal with and accommodate.

Carry on, ya ignunt fuks

Mr. Deity - The God Distraction

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A burning bush

Live long enough on this spinning rock and you’ll probably encounter enough people to provide you with an awfully broad perspective on “the human condition”.   One aspect of this that fascinates me is the varying degrees to which people will invest themselves in an “idea” whether or not the foundation for the idea bears any attachment to fact and evidence.    How often, especially as children, are we told “just because I said so” in regard to some instruction we’re given or some direction we’re sent in?  Quite often, most likely.
So, as young children, we’re given a handful of parables and stories to believe and fully invest in, that we’re later told to completely divest ourselves of.   These vary in their details from culture to culture, but they exist in some form in almost all of them.   In the west, the most obvious ones take the form of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, the boogey man, and the list goes on.  No one would ever dispute that, the plan from the beginning is that there is an unspecified date in time where it is intended that SOMEONE would be explaining to us, something to the effect of “Ok joey, about that whole “tooth fairy” thing……………………..”
And yet, there’s no foundation in evidence for any of these parables.   They all serve a purpose during our impressionable time.    The whole issue with Santa, like it or not, is that he keeps a “naughty and nice” list, and he’ll fuck up your Christmas morning with a sock full of dried shit if you’re not “nice”.   So it’s ostensibly about “control”, whether you like it or not.    I dare you to deny that, at some point in your child’s life, or at some point in YOUR life as a child, the words weren’t spoken that resembled “If you don’t behave, Santa is not going to come.”   At least in my experience, the tooth fairy was used in the same way.  If I acted inappropriately as a child, when I put the tooth under my pillow, I was told that the tooth fairy would leave a nest of live scorpions under my pillow and I would be doused in gasoline and set on fire in the middle of the night.
Ok, I made that last part up, but the idea is still the same.   
And still there is a whole other category of information we’re fed as a child, that there is no plan in place to assist us in divesting from.   This category contains information that is no different, in almost ANY way, from any of the previously mentioned examples.   They are stories in books.   Yes, there may be some circumstantial archaeological evidence for the actual physical existence in the past of a few of the characters described in these other stories, but in truth, there is more concrete forensic evidence for the actual existence of St. Nicholas the Bishop of Myra, than there is for Joseph of Arimathea, or his alleged progeny.
So the question that comes to mind for me has to do with what leads one group of adults toward continuing to be inextricably invested in these stories of old as though they were absolute truths, while another group will look at the same information and determine that they are just that……….stories?
Obviously, the answer is going to be very subjective, based on a good number of lenses through which each person sees the world.   If I look at myself and my own perceptions (which is the safest thing to do in this case, because a huge number  of people are going to be “put off” by this.), I can draw upon my own evolution in my perceptions of the world and myself in relation to it.
I was raised Roman Catholic.   Therefore, I was “told” that “This is the way things are” with regard to God, religion, spirituality, piety, penance, judgment, and all other things related to such.  It was instilled in me at a very early age that the precepts I was being supplied with could not be challenged.  They were not open to interpretation, they could not be questioned.   There were books and texts and songs that were to serve as my definition for all things.    Almost every behavior that was expected of me was outlined in these books.  That was that.    This indoctrination was SO successful, SO effective, that, as I grew older, any fleeting thought which might come to me in the form of “Wait, how is THIS possible?” or “This doesn’t sound right”, would be quickly internally countered with a wave of anxiety as I waited for some unseen being to strike me with a plague, or, at least, bad fortune.   Ultimately, the anxiety around questioning what I was taught to “believe” resulted in the irrational fear that there was some “lake of fire and burning sulfur” waiting for me just because I might decide that the stories I’ve been told were designed for something “else” other than being blatantly true.  Granted, the world was FULL of things that I was told could be attributed only to a supreme being, because no one else could seem to explain to me the “how” or “why” of how they came to be.   So the stories filled gaps.   Gaps that human nature abhors leaving in place.  So that was good enough at the time.
Somewhere around age 18, again, due largely to circumstances in my life at that time, I made an overt decision to divest myself from anything having to do with the Catholic church, religion, or the idea of “God” at that time.  Several dynamics resulted from that decision.   First, the inevitable anxiety was there around the decision to do so.   A vulnerability resulted from this anxiety.  Having given up my membership in that club, a forfeiture which would be met with some of the most vile shunning, mostly by my immediate family, I was left seeking membership elsewhere.   The only paradigm I could find at that time, was Madilyn Murray O’Hair’s “American Atheist” club.   I was a card carrying member and all.  Boxes of literature for me to spread on my college campus were shipped to me and they were relentless in making me feel like I “belonged”.  Yet there was a “snarkiness” to their campaign which never sat well with me.  It was still a “my way or the highway” sort of philosophy.
Again, circumstances took their turn and my gaze turned back toward “the church”.   This time, it was the Anglican church, which seemed to me to be a sort of “Catholic Lite” that was more digestible to me.  In the end however, when I got around to questioning the “how” and “why” of what they were preaching, and the best answers I got were still coming from the angle of “because this book says so”, the end result was the same.   No.  just because it’s written in a book and there are millions or billions of people who believe the book to be fact, without any evidence, simply does not “make it so”.  I began to look farther, as there were still circumstances in my life and dynamics in the world around me which still seemed to have no logical explanation as to their “how” or “why”.   Again, because nature abhors a vacuum, I turned to another religion.  This time, one without a seeming monotheistic deity.   I turned to Shinto Buddhism, which told me that, if I could divest myself from all attachments that I would find the answers I was looking for.
Seemed simple enough.
Not so much.    Turns out being a good Buddhist and practicing the disciplines outlined in the Ten Precepts is hard as fuck.   I was just not cut out for it.   I maintained it for a few years, and I tried, I really did, to do what was required.   Ultimately, what I gained from it, was a new perspective on what both binds, and differentiates, almost all of the monotheistic and polytheistic religions of the world.    This had some value to me.  For the first time, I had a level of comfort in looking AROUND me as well as WITHIN me, to see things as they are, as they were, and not as people were telling me to see them.   One of the educators which became most valuable to me was Joseph Campbell.   Campbell made a very clear archaeological case for the relationship between the world’s religious practices, seeming to be able to show a balance between them and emphasized how similar they all were, as opposed to how different each one tried to be from the other, on their own.  What I determined was that, in almost every case, subscribing to one set of religious beliefs or another, meant that you HAD to dictate that ALL other religious beliefs were wrong.   You cannot be a Christian and claim that the Muslims are going to be allowed into heaven.    That is, unless of course, the Muslim does what the Christian says is the requirement for membership, which is to tout that Christianity is the one true religion with the one true god, etc, and so on.  An act which the Muslim surely won’t do, because they, themselves, believe that THEIR interpretation of God, life, and “the afterlife” is the one true definition.    Now, according to each, only one can be right.    Also, from each  perspective there exists no “other god” than their own god.   Therefore, from the Christian perspective, the Muslim god does not exist and their prophets are false.   Ipso Facto from the Muslim perspective.   Additionally, there are millions of Hindus who believe in millions of gods.   Go further.   The Seventh Day Adventists, a Christian sect, believes in a very different set of behaviors which brings one in God’s favor.  A set of behaviors that is limited to a specific NUMBER of people, and the rest are going to hell.   The Mormons believe that some snake oil salesman in the desert had a private meeting with god and chose HIS people to inhabit the earth after some Armageddon.     The bottom line is that there are hundreds of religions and they all purport to be the “right one”.
To align myself with any ONE seems crazy.  To align myself with ALL of them is equally insane.    So, I go to each one and say “show me the evidence which supports your contentions.”
They all just point to their stories in their books.  All of them.  Just print on a page.   Nothing else.   Then they turn around and point to their own millions who have invested in the same words on the paper that they have, and state that, because their numbers are greater, that they must be right.   Then they turn and point to the mountains or the sunset, or the stars, and say, “MY God made those”.   But I say, “here is how that happened.  Here are the actual atoms doing the actual things that made those things you’re pointing to possible.”  And on and on we go, down the rabbit hole.   With each layer of minutia I provide physical evidence explaining the cause for and existence of, everyone’s explanation is “Yes, and MY God made that possible”.   Still, no evidence.
Inevitably,   we will get to the point where science has not yet defined and provided empirical evidence for the cause for, origin and mechanics of.   When we do, the response is typically “that’s where God is”.   Yet “show me” gets no answer.   The response to that is almost always “you know nothing of faith”.
I suppose I have little use for it, as it’s defined.    “Trust” is another issue altogether.  I’ll choose where to put my trust, and I’ll do so based on evidence, not “faith”.  
So, finally, in looking back at the whole dynamic, I tend to find that most of us believe what we believe because we’re told to believe it.   We’re told there are consequences to “not believing”, and it’s explained to us that “bad things will happen” to us simply by not believing.   Ultimately, our own mortality is the things which drives us to invest in these idea which carry no evidence of fact.    Part of the human condition is the fear of our own mortality.  It’s comforting to invest in the idea that this is not “it” as far as our existence.  It’s comforting to  think that some form of immortality is possible.  And we’re compelled to think that our immortality must carry with it our consciousness.  To unlink those makes the idea of immortality less than palatable.   Yet, that’s the path that most Buddhists have taken with their idea of reincarnation.  
Still, zero evidence.  No evidence that anyone’s idea of “immortality” actually exists.   Except for one.  Only one.  The passing of our chromosomes and genetic information to our children and onward from there.   But there’s no comfort in that for most people.
So, to the original question, of what allows one person to question what another refuses to. 
My guess is "fear"

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jared Leto found deceased in NYC hotel room.  Olson Twins are scheduled to do a press conference at 7pm.

Associated Press, July 27, 2015

In an ironic turn of events, Jared Leto, was was recently cast in the new incarnation of "The Joker" for the upcoming film "Suicide Squad" was found deceased in a NYC hotel room, by a Mexican housekeeper who was found to be in the US illegally.   Sources say she has already been deported.  Further information on how this illegal alien became employed in the US is being sought via a Freedom of Information Act initiated by Donald Trump.

In related news, Taco Bell set to announce a new line of vegetarian shit-food.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Love Story For the Ages.

You call it "trolling".

"Putting out content in the interests of eliciting a response to be responded to with ad hom and escalated accordingly while concealing oneself behind a pseudonym."

Nope.  Doesn't fit that definition at all.   Not even close.   While, yes, I use ad hom when engaging with the devout in disassembling their "logic" and positions with regard to the proselytizing of religious and spiritual belief sets, my reasons for doing so have always been clear.   The positions of theists, in general, are so steeped in the most pungent types of antilogic, that their points cannot, and should not, be countered with anything resembling logic.   To do so only provides a false sense of legitimacy to the theist.  Therefore, they got mocked.   Nothing in their worldview, as it relates to their use of "spirituality" or religious dogma warrants a rational response.  It's akin to attempting to debate with someone who is 100% vested in the existence of garden gnomes being "real" and "living" things.   Engaging them with much of anything beyond the standard statement, "There is no truth in anything you're saying" is futile.   This is probably one of the reasons i get so frustrated in watching otherwise intelligent people debate deluded theists on a public stage.   The theists almost never get to walk away from those engagements with their heads hanging down.   They almost always strut off into the distance praising their imaginary deity for vindicating them in the face of the heretic.  

To say I find religious dogma and spiritual beliefs of all forms to be abhorrent, disgusting, and counter to the best parts of what makes us human, is so much of an understatement that it frustrates me to attempt to iterate it here.   It is, in all forms, an affront to common decency and humanity.  
To, in one breath, praise ANY imaginary deity, for ANY reason whatsoever, while acknowledging the ongoing suffering of your fellow human being somewhere else in this world, at any given moment, and then attempt to rationalize that suffering and reconcile it with the benevolence of your deity, is one of the most loathsome practices that any human can engage in, on par with some of the worst people in history who have exacted that very suffering on their own fellow humans.  
That, in this day and age, ANYone would support any institution or notion of religious dogma or subscribe to the institutions which dictate such, and remain tethered to the rituals of those institutions, only serve to label those who choose to remain blind, subservient and willfully ignorant.

So I post content and make comments that are inflammatory.  Yep.   I usually do so with the intent to awaken the devout to the contradictory nature of the beliefs they are espousing at any given moment.  
I won't deny that watching the devout flounder in defense of their ideas is entertaining.  It is.  Almost always.  That's just a fringe benefit of being willing to speak out against that which i find to be a level of stupidity that no one should be forced to live with.   

You'll come back at me with "Live and let live".   No.  I have no obligation to sit back and watch you pray in your houses of worship for anything while the world burns and people suffer horrors beyond your scope of understanding.  Your devotion to and practice of your religious worship serves NO purpose other than to medicate yourself from the otherwise uncomfortable nature of your own existence.  You've done nothing to earn the right to bathe in this placebo and you will be reminded, at every turn, of the brutal reality of this world and your opportunity to petition your deity to immunize you from those horrors will be denied at every opportunity.  You will not be allowed to rationalize your own desires and reconcile them against the fact that your imaginary deity denies the basic tenets of survival to the person next door to you.   You will not be allowed to practice your make believe, free from the mockery of those of us who see it for what it is.  Imaginary.   

Have a splendid day.