Friday, June 6, 2014

Just say "thank you", shut up, and walk away.

On this day and every day, EVERY single elected politician in EVERY "free country" in the world owes their station in life to these men.   No exceptions.  None.

There are less than one million of surviving allied troops who served in combat in WWII still alive today, and we lose 100's per day to the passage of time.

This is not about "patriotism".   This is about young men who did what they were told, right or wrong.  And, if they had NOT done that, tyranny and brutality would have won the day and oppression and slavery like you have never known would be part of your paradigm today.

So as these grandiose politicians gather on the beaches of Normandy today, ostensibly to "pay tribute" to these men, whom they owe EVERYTHING to, i would like to suggest that each simply walk to the podium, say "thank you for all the joy i've experienced in MY life which would not have been possible without your actions.", and walk off the stage, and shut up and do your job.  

Find one, before it's too late, thank him yourself in the most humble way you can muster, and take account of the fact that you are fortunate beyond measure to have had the opportunity to do something that your grandchildren will not be able to do.


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