Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's Time..............

"Tempus est iam"


No idea is above challenge, immune from criticism, or buffered from the burden of proof.   No individual, in any arena, is entitled to espouse, embrace, or propagate ideas and have them rendered safe from challenge, based upon facts and consistent information, ESPECIALLY when those very ideas support or represent a vile ideology which condemns and oppresses other people who simply cite points which refute those ideas.

Understanding fully the innate nature of human beings to embrace the emotional components of "life" over the rational harshness of it, which may predominate any given moment, there still comes a time when we are better served by conceding the fact that what we once believed to be "true" was in fact........notThat time is now.

“There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.”

--Daniel C. Dennett
Over the last 100 years, humanity has come to understand more about the cosmos, the machinations of "life", the very definition OF life, than has been assumed to be known over the past 500 years.   In the NEXT fifty years, we are poised to make strides in all areas of knowledge which will make that which we know to be true today, pale in comparison.   Despite these accomplishments, despite these advances in all areas which serve to better ourselves as a species, as well as the overall condition of all systems and species on our small planet, there are still far too many amongst us, (who reap the benefits of
these advances in knowledge) who cling to fundamental ideologies which can only be described as "childish", "immature", and, in almost every case,are, in some form, vile.
You cannot expect to espouse beliefs which take the form of believing that whispering to yourself whilst gripping magical beads on a necklace, actually provides you with a psychic connection to dead people and provides you with tangible guidance from those dead people, and not expect to be ridiculed exhaustively. 
You cannot cling to the beliefs which dictate that a story about a priest who had his head severed in an execution, stood up and walked for miles, carrying his own severed head and "preaching" through that severed head, as actually "true" and not expect to be mocked incessantly.   
You cannot expect to express a belief that there is some benevolent, all powerful deity who lives somewhere in the sky, who has a "plan" for humanity, but sits by and watches children suffer and die through no fault of their own every moment, but is tuned in to your pleas and whispers regarding your queries regarding "what you should do with your life", and not be subject to raucous ridicule.   
You cannot pretend that there is some "reward" or "punishment" after a person dies, based in any manner upon their allegiance to the ideas and deities that you espouse to be true, and expect to be taken seriously in any manner.

Yet the irony in even the acceptance of the mockery you receive is palpable.  For your own dictates have "foretold" that you would be mocked for your beliefs and you are to hold that as evidence that your beliefs are sound and true.   You fail to see the irony in this and also fail to see the crippling nature of the ideas that you've chosen to accept as "real" and "true".   

The institutions which you hold membership to, which dictate and espouse these concepts, are corrupt, vile, and outright evil in many cases.  That you maintain membership within these institutions in order to maintain
your feeling of "belonging" has put you in the position of vicariously, or even directly, endorsing the abhorrent nature of these institutions.  From their histories, through their current daily practices, which are cloaked in a layer of pseudo-benevolence and some "good deeds", their greatest crime may yet be their indoctrination and pollution of your mind by convincing you that "it's all true".

It's not.   They've lied to you.  Consistently.   Their livelihoods have depended upon it, and you were easy-pickings for them.  For WHO would NOT want to believe that there was a way to "live forever" and do so in utter bliss?   WHO would NOT want to believe that their loved ones, who may have suffered horribly in life and languished in a miserable death, are now in a "better place" where they remain connected to you via some divine psychic connection?   The concepts themselves appeal to the very basic nature of the simplest parts of our brain, which are designed to keep us fighting for life.   It was SO easy to convince you that there was eternal life because your brain is wired to crave that.   You've absorbed the pablum, the opiate, and you're so addicted to it at this point, that the very thought of refuting it and moving beyond it, carries with it a level of fear and anxiety that keep you shackled to your fantasies.

There are those amongst me who pity you.   I do not.   I cannot.   At this point, given the information that is at your fingertips, which nullifies and refutes so much of what you hold to be "true" in this regard, I cannot pity you.  I can, and must, accept that your adherence to these principles, which, at the low end are simply childish and ridiculous, and, at the high end, require that you acknowledge that innocent people are doomed to suffer at the hands of your imaginary deity, are completely willful and voluntary on your part.   That you would prefer to stay doped up on your cerebral opiate as opposed to accepting the fact that you are human, that dead is dead, and that there is no reward or punishment awaiting you, or anyone else, after your body ceases to function, is utterly reprehensible.  That such a way of conducting your life is willful, means that i can only loathe your choices in this matter, and loathe them to a degree that is hard to measure.  

It's time to put aside the folly of your comfortable beliefs which have no basis in fact.   The world is here, your life is happening now.  It's not a dress rehearsal for some cosmic Broadway show that goes on in perpetuity.   Your attention is needed here and now.   It's time.


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