Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You insipid fucking nitwits. Yeah. YOU.

So the sun rises on a new day of the same old crooks, cocksuckers, and liars in power as they were when the sun rose yesterday.

Nothing new, nothing changes.   So while the Republicans are dancing in their loin cloths around their ceremonial funeral pyre holding an effigy Ronald Reagan while giddily sipping the wine made from the stomping of grapes by chinese child labor, and mixed with the blood of whipped slaves, and the Democrats are sitting in their drum circles, wringing their hands and attempting to assuage their grief with their absinthe laced Starbucks grande machiatto lattes, one point still rings true..................You're all idiots.

The mantra which was recited over and over again, disingenuously, was


which turns my fucking stomach because there is not ONE person who was chanting this who really MEANT it.  No way, no how.

What they really meant was "Get out the vote FOR MY TEAM!!!  Get out there and vote for MY PARTY!!  Get out there and vote for MY CANDIDATE!!!"    All the bullshit about it being "my civic duty" only really applies so long as i'm fulfilling YOUR mandate to support YOUR agenda.

So, while you're out there, drunk on your new (old) illusion of power, slapping each other on the back and whooping it up while you fly your flags, thump your bibles, and burn your crosses, take a moment to be honest and who and what you are, on BOTH sides.

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