Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ooga booga

Dear dogmaphiles,

Just what is it that you think an "atheist" is?
After having recently seen a profile  on twitter with an intro line of "KILL ALL ATHEISTS!!!", it struck me to wondering, who IS it that you think "we" are???

You seem to think we're some sort of "cohesive" group, united in a common purpose and vision, with some sort of shared agenda that is somehow a threat to someone's lifestyle, livelihood or level of comfort.  You seem to think that "we" share some common political agenda and motivation.

Well, let's start with the "who" and move on to the "what", ok?

We are:

Your doctors;
Your nurses;
Your counselors;
Your teachers;
Your bus drivers;
Your waiters and waitresses;
Your police officers
Your neighbors;
Your politicians;
Your little league coaches;
Your dance instructors;
Your mothers;
Your fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles;
Your business owners;
Your judges
Your coworkers;
Your students;
Your maids;
Your friends;
Your crossing guards;
Your referees;

And, make sure you're sitting down for the next few:

Your priests;
Your clergy;
Your rabbi.

Yes, without a doubt, even those who would wear the cloak of the "devout" who are otherwise shamed into not admitting it, are among the atheist mindset.

We are individuals, for the most part, who, when someone is suffering or in need, have no compulsion whatsoever to bow our heads, close our eyes, clasp our hands, fall to our knees and mumble magic words in a plea to an imaginary force to step in on our behalf and render aid to those who are suffering or in need.   No, there ARE those among us to whom it would never occur that we should do anything other than get up, get out, and help those in such circumstances.  There is never any other option, nor any other path, other than to do nothing.  And, while there are those among us, just as those who are among you, who would choose to do nothing, at the very least, what we do not do is console ourselves with a blanket of falsehoods and imaginary aid.

We are individuals and families who simply have no investment in magic, fairy tales, myths or wishes.   We, for the most part, are individuals who understand what it is to rely upon ourselves and to seek help when we need it from other human beings, and to render that help when called upon to do so.   No rituals, no dogmatic practices, no rites of any kind are inherent in our daily lives.

We are individuals who understand that we have ONE shot at this life.  One shot at doing the best we possibly can, for ourselves, for our families and for others.  That there is NO sequel.   

We are individuals who find incredible amazement and awe in every single aspect of the world around us and within us, without any reliance upon "miracles" and utterly "unexplainable" phenomen which we would feel compelleed to compartmentalize within the cloak of "supernatural".   For that which we do not yet have an understanding of, stand in awe of, or are confused by, we have the patience for.  The patience to wait for the understanding and explanation to come from testing, repitition, study, and research.

We are individuals who have no need for faith in anything other than our own resolve and, occassionally, faith in our fellow human beings when they oblige themselves to us in some way, shape, or form.

So, if you're intent upon "killing all atheists", I suggest you get busy, because there are an awful lot of us who are in places, and doing things that you clearly do not expect.

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!


Your atheist neighbors.

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