Monday, May 19, 2014

Thou Shalt Not Be an Idiot

If David Copperfield or David Blaine had been around 2000-3000 years ago, and added a few bits and pieces to their act, the single largest religious movement today would be the "Holy Sepulchre of Douchebaggery" church.    All they would have had to do was to add a few key phrases to their magic shows and they would be GODS, no doubt about it.  Simply put, all they would need is:

A few simple commandments, such as:

"Thou shalt not kick puppies!"
"Thou shalt not pinch the thighs of babies!"
"Thou shalt wash thy genitals before sticking them in the ears of a concubine!........."

......would kick it all into motion quite nicely, followed by:

1.  Someone to make fantastic claims on their behalf, and for them to simply go along with it all;
2.  Make a series of empty promises which involve infinite comfort and riches for all eternity;
3.  Make veiled threats about the consequences of NOT following their teachings;

So riddle me THIS then.   If, TODAY, either of those weasels were to fulfill those three criteria during the conveyance of their witchcraft, why would no one other than the severely mentally ill fall to their knees and worship them?   

Why then do so many millions and billions today believe the nonsensical tripe that was scribbled on the dried skin of a goat's stomach as testimony to what someone's uncle's, brother's, cousin's, grandmother's neighbor saw occurring outside their mud hut 3,000 years ago as "evidence" of anything at all that should carry more weight today concrete findings proven in exhaustive laboratory studies conducted by hundreds of educated people??

Because we're scared, gullible little critters.  The same as we were a millenia ago and the same as we'll likely be for another millenia. Trust me, if Joe Smith, the snake oil salesman in the streets of New York could pull it off 150 years ago, someone COULD still do it today. Just requires a wee bit more finesse and planning, i think.

The basis upon which the religious subscribe to that which they do is more easily dismantled than the complexities of their inane fantasies about the universe can be, i bet.

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