Friday, June 27, 2014

Stop Pulling My Pud

Your slacktivism is oozing again.

Brought to the surface by the plight of this "Mubarak" character who is apparently someone who was jailed on a charge of apostosy for espousing his conviction that belief in an invisible "god" is just silly, i'm sickened once again more by the "feel good" bullshit that everyone loves to engage in around the issue than I am by this dude's own plight.

The defeaning mantra again rises from the masses with a repeated chorus of "LIKE!  RESHARE!  RETWEET! PLUS THIS!!" under the auspices that doing so will somehow activate the machinery of restoring a political prisoner's freedom in a third world shithole country.

These are the actions of privileged people who engage in meaningless, ineffectual behaviors as a means of masturbating their egos and buying into the bullshit idea that they are actually "doing something".


There has never been a case of a political prisoner, or any OTHER type of prisoner, being released because of the number of "likes" a fucking FB page received, the number of plusses on a Gplus post, or the number of RT's a fucking Twatter post received.   You are participating in a giant circle jerk for the sole purpose of feeling like you're actually contributing positively to something.

You're not.  You're an idiot.

Ok, yeah, i hear it already.  The counter to this argument sounds like "BUT AWARENESS MAN!!!!  YOU'RE RAISING AWARENESS!!!!!!!!!!"

Again, you're forgetting my key point.   You're an IDIOT.

"Awareness" of someone being a political prisoner does not result in some epiphany by the keepers that "Whoa!  We should not be DOING this!  RELEASE him AT ONCE!!!!"

Low estimates are that 16% of the world population currently have an awareness that belief in a "god" is nothing more than a silly fantasy.  None of this has any impact on the other 84% who engage in their mentally ill behaviors in support of their imaginary deity.

Unless you're an international attorney who is capable filing an appeal with the court in question in the country which imprisons someone, STOP thinking that you're doing anything useful by running your fucking mouth on social fucking media.

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